up and coming
24 October 2011, 11:25
I have two lectures coming up in the next couple of weeks. Both of them will take place in Berlin and I am really looking forward to them.
the WUD network
First up is the world usability day (WUD). The date? Any second Thursday in November will do (the 10th, this year). I have been involved with the WUD since the first one (cannot even remember the year anymore), delivering lectures or leading a workshop, as well as helping to organise it. And so it is this year.
The Berliner WUD’s theme this year is Social Networks. I am always heavily involved with the topic‐selection for our WUD. But as the facilitator in the process, I refrain from voting for any one. Thus it was really a coincidence that earlier this year I worked on a social network, with unusuals, a startup here in Berlin. This hands‑on experience with a sprouting social network really piqued the interest of the WUD programme committee, so here we go. Here is the blurb, in English:
structured visualisation or simply being social,
the design work at unusuals.net
Earlier this year Peter Sikking consulted on the interaction design of unusuals.net—the network for advertising film professionals—who were preparing a relaunch. The work consisted of equal parts design process structuring; engraining social interaction; enabling simplicity; and visualising the industry network on any scale, from personal to global.
In his talk, Peter will weave these elements together, and show that it takes all of them to create a social network like unusuals.net.
touch mob
Just the week after, on November 18th, there is the MobX conference. Very cool to be invited for this one, the lineup looks great. Thinking of a topic for my lecture, I first had to escape from the pattern that the other lectures had already set. Only then I was able to follow my intuition and arrive at the topic that was in a sense already sitting there, waiting for me to catch up with it. The MobX organisers thought it smashing. Here is the blurb:
mobile before and after January 9th, 2007
Love it or hate it, the introduction of the iPhone did completely reshape the mobile landscape. Peter Sikking, involved in mobile user interaction since 1997, would like to take this opportunity to review the world of ‘old mobile’: the environment in which it was designed; the interaction architectural aspects. What is valid and what has become obsolete in the ‘new mobile order’ that started with the launch of the iPhone?
Part two starts with the day of today and looks to the future. Does old mobile have a chance? What about hybrid, touch and type, devices? Peter looks at it, as always, from the architectural point of view.
In case you want to go to either event—and why not meet me there?—I would not wait with signing up, for the WUD or the MobX. Certainly for the WUD I can say that room will be scarce, for this theme and location. Better be registered.
If you cannot make it, then stay tuned. I will write up both lectures here. And already for one of them I can promise a final conclusion you would not expect.
Labels: lecture, mobile, startups

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