12 things you can do to succeed, enterprise edition
30 January 2014, 11:54
Part three of the mini‐series I am running at the moment on the usual social channels—twitter, g+, linkedin and xing—called positive action ships successful products. There, for every wishful thought that persists in the (mobile) software industry, I supply a complementary positive action.
Better go for it, deploy user research and design to ensure that new is really better.cf. ‘Better play it safe, because it has not been done before.’
Better go for it, ban meetings; get the makers to collaborate in (pairs of) pairs.cf. ‘Better play it safe, so it won’t cause all these extra rounds of meetings.’
Better go for it, evangelise the new, listen carefully to any needs, ignore naysayers.cf. ‘Better play it safe, because the first feedback was rather reserved.’
Better go for it, make it an offer that can’t be refused—if it gets nixed, go underground.cf. ‘Better play it safe, so we get the OK.’
Better go for it, negotiate until you trust that the engineers can build the design.cf. ‘Better play it safe, because the engineers say it cannot be done.’
Better go for it, it is faster to build a completely new core product from scratch.cf. ‘Better play it safe, because that code base is spaghetti.’
Better go for it, and enjoy every minute; save time through structure, research + design.cf. ‘Better play it safe, so we all can go home at five—and on 14:30 (D) / to the pub (GB) on friday.’
Better go for it, because the blame will fall on us anyway.cf. ‘Better play it safe, because the blame will fall on us.’
Better go for it, once the core product blows away the competition, features can be added.cf. ‘Better play it safe, so we have time for more features.’
Better go for it, use frequent user testing to debug the innovative design.cf. ‘Better play it safe, to pass the usability test.’
Better go for it, define a new game, on your terms, and ditch them old millstones.cf. ‘Better play it safe, to pass the regression test.’
Better go for it, model careers are built on delivering remarkable results.cf. ‘Better play it safe, to not jeopardise my promotion.’
ask not what this blog can do for you…
Now, what else can you do? First of all, you can spread the word; share this blog post. Second, the series continues, so I invite you to connect via twitter, g+, linkedin, or xing, and get a fresh jolt of positive action every workday.
And third, if you able and willing to take some positive action, then email or call us. We will happy to help you ship successful products.
ps: you can check out part two if you missed it.
Labels: act to succeed, practical

another 12 things you can do to succeed
9 January 2014, 19:08
Below I list the second dozen pairs of these for your reference. If you are a product maker, or manage a product‐shipping organisation, then you can initiate at least one of these today:
Identify the different nature/vibe of your product modules and flows; design them accordingly.cf. ‘A list is a list is a list. Why do these two parts of our app need such a different design?’
Hire a (lead) designer whose career is longer than that of your most senior developer (and the CTO).cf. ‘Sure, it needs to be designed. Let’s get a [student, intern] for that.’
Tackle usability from the core outwards: how your product works; stop tinkering on the fringes.cf. ‘Our usability sucks. To fix that, maybe we can take some guidelines and apply them religiously.’
Erect a chinese wall between your product and the customer wishes you are forced/paid to build.cf. ‘The features our most‐valued customers ask for are implemented asap, future plans be damned.’
Start your development cycle by structuring it with your designer(s); serious work starts then.cf. ‘The development is almost finished, now we need some design on top to jazz it up.’
Celebrate that your organisation is an exclusive group of insiders; real users are out there.cf. ‘We are the typical users.’
Plan with a single, integral solution from your designer(s), which gets continuously refined.cf. ‘Let’s get the designer(s) to deliver 3 proposals, then we pick—and mix—what we like.’
Refuse to get your data separated from the value your product delivers.cf. ‘For that you can export the data to excel.’
Hire user researchers to map out how your core users tick and what their needs are.cf. ‘We did do user research; we asked them what they liked and not, and what was missing.’
Fight rust; regularly identify product areas that were stable for years and redesigned them.cf. ‘We have been doing it like this for many years.’
Stamp out the tinkering; get it designed, completely—no holes; documented nimbly, ‘on paper.’cf. ‘We design in code.’
Hog effort, your organisation deals with it; your users get to do their thing, effortlessly.cf. ‘Really, users could also put some effort into using our software.’
ask not what this blog can do for you…
Now, what else can you do? First of all, you can spread the word; share this blog post. Second, the series continues, so I invite you to connect via twitter, g+, linkedin, or xing, and get a fresh jolt of positive action every workday.
And third, if you able and willing to take some positive action, then email or call us. We will happy to help you ship successful products.
ps: you can check out part one if you missed it.
Labels: act to succeed, practical

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